August 23 2017 – David Elders

An essential element of this thing of ours from the first days till the end of time. Styles can be appropriated, mixed and matched. Those elusive, hard-to-find pieces can be found and obtained. But without that fuck-off attitude and the wherewithall to carry it off, the look just doesn't fit.
Back in the early 90's, just as the aftermath of the acid house impact on the terrace scene was starting to wear off, another musical soundtrack to terrace culture was about to come crashing into focus. Oasis had arrived, with singer Liam Gallagher front and centre bringing just about as much swagger as could be imagined.
The college kids might have had Blur but for the lads like us, Oasis put into words what was the story of their existance from the nations estates and terraces. Although formed in '91, it wasn't till the band were signed by Creation Records in '93 that the world started to sit up and take notice. A nationwide series of riotous gigs followed that set the stage for Definitely Maybe in '94, which at the time was the fastest selling British debut album ever. This was followed by '95's (What's the Story) Morning Glory? which became the third-best selling album in British history.
Although the media like to paint the success of Oasis as being down to Liam's songwriter brother Noel, we've always felt that it was every bit as much down to Liam's earthy vocals and presence in live shows. Never ones to tow the line, in a Top of the Pops performance in late '95 when the band were made to mime instead of play live, they responded with true swagger - Liam pretended to play Noel's guitar and Noel pretended to sing!
This juxtaposition between who and what is portrayed as good and bad is where Original Casuals drew the inspiration for our latest Heroes & Villains collection from. We've created a series of iconic imagery that reflects some of these 'good guys' and 'bad guys' and we'll leave it up to you to choose which side of the fence you think each belongs on ;)
For our latest piece, we've taken a classic pose of Liam showing every ounce of the swagger that was to become his trademark and superimposed the lyrics of one of the bands most revered tracks 'Wonderwall'.
As always, our Original Casuals iconic t-shirts are made from handmade luxury cotton weaved using the latest technology and dying processes to create a timeless classic garment. Made to strictly limited numbers to ensure the originality of design is matched by you standing out from the crowd when wearing it.
Just like on awaydays back then... "And all the roads we have to walk are winding